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Gear up for innovation! Infomatics is thrilled to be part of the Digital Experience Conference in Las Vegas. Customer experience is the most significant differentiating factor in customer retention and loyalty, if customer is delighted then business will thrive. Infomatics has been helping customers build a solid digital foundation along with Adobe. Meaningful business insights help business take informed decisions which helps in brand development, customer loyalty, reduced spend and improved bottom line. We provide services such as the following:

The realm of campus placements is a journey of mutual discovery, where aspiring talents meet prospective employers. Infomatics Corp, recently conducted a placement drive at Canara Engineering College. This event was more than just interviews; it was an opportunity for students to display their skills and for Infomatics to recognize and foster promising talent. In this article, we will explore the different stages of this placement drive, from the virtual aptitude round to the final selection, which ultimately saw five exceptional candidates earn their places at Infomatics.

The Aptitude Round
Infomatics Corp's placement drive commenced with an aptitude round, conducted virtually. This approach ensured a level playing field for candidates, as they could participate from their own locations. The aptitude round assessed candidates' quantitative, logical, and verbal skills, along with their ability to code. It aimed to gauge their problem-solving abilities, a critical attribute for success in the tech industry. 

Technical Interviews
Candidates who cleared the aptitude round proceeded to the technical interviews. These interviews were a litmus test of the candidates' technical competencies and problem-solving skills. The Canara Engineering College campus provided the ideal backdrop for these interviews, allowing candidates to concentrate and perform at their best.
The Infomatics Corp dev team, designed a set of rigorous questions. These questions spanned across diverse technical concepts, including Java, JavaScript, SQL modern-frameworks, and logical reasoning. This comprehensive evaluation ensured that candidates were not only technically proficient but also capable of applying their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

HR Round
Beyond technical skills, Infomatics Corp recognized the importance of evaluating candidates for their interpersonal abilities and cultural fit. The HR round played a pivotal role in this process. It allowed the interviewers to understand the candidates on a personal level, assess their communication skills, and determine if they could align with Infomatics' values and work culture.
The HR round was not just about answering questions but also about revealing the candidates' aspirations, their passion for technology, and their ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment. It acted as a bridge between their academic prowess and their future professional life.

Final Round by Infomatics Developer Lead
The final round was conducted by the  Developer Lead at Infomatics Corp. This was a unique opportunity for candidates to interact directly with a senior member of the Infomatics team. The Developer Lead assessed the candidates for their problem-solving skills, technical depth, and overall potential to contribute to Infomatics Corp. This phase was not only a test of knowledge but also an insight into the candidates' ability to adapt, innovate, and excel in a challenging and dynamic work environment.

Final Selection
After a stringent selection process at every stage, Infomatics Corp, in collaboration with Canara Engineering College, identified five standout candidates who embodied the qualities Infomatics seeks in its employees. These candidates showcased exceptional technical proficiency, adaptability, and a passion for innovation that aligned perfectly with Infomatics' ethos.
The success of the placement drive can be attributed to the dedication and meticulous planning of both Infomatics Corp and Canara Engineering College. It is a testament to the teamwork between educational institutions and industry leaders, a partnership that enriches the future of students while addressing the talent needs of companies.

At Infomatics Corp, we believe in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters innovation and empowers individuals to reach their full potential. Achieving this certification is a significant milestone for us, as it reflects our commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment in the business world.

The process of becoming women-certified on Clutch involved a rigorous evaluation of our company's ownership, operations, and leadership. This recognition highlights our dedication to promoting diversity not only within our own organization but also in the broader industry we serve.

As a women-owned business, we understand the unique challenges that women entrepreneurs and professionals face. We are proud to provide a supportive environment that encourages women to excel and thrive in their careers. Our diverse team brings a wealth of perspectives and experiences to the table, enabling us to deliver innovative solutions and exceptional service to our clients.

Being certified on Clutch demonstrates our commitment to excellence and integrity in all aspects of our work. It reinforces our reputation as a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable IT solutions and services. We remain steadfast in our mission to deliver exceptional results, exceed client expectations, and drive positive change in the tech industry.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing team members, whose dedication and hard work have contributed to this achievement. We also extend our sincere appreciation to our valued clients and partners, whose trust and support have been instrumental in our growth and success.

As we celebrate this significant milestone, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive business environment. We will continue to champion gender equality, empower women, and create opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

We are thrilled to announce that Infomatics Corp has been awarded the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification, a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. This certification is a significant milestone in our journey, further solidifying our position as a leading provider of IT Services.

ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems, emphasizing the implementation of robust processes and continuous improvement. By adhering to these rigorous standards, we demonstrate our dedication to delivering exceptional solutions that meet and exceed our clients' expectations.

At Infomatics Corp, quality is ingrained in our DNA. This certification validates our relentless pursuit of excellence across all aspects of our operations. It reflects our commitment to consistently providing superior services, efficient project management, and optimized processes, all while ensuring the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

Our team has worked diligently to implement the necessary systems, procedures, and controls that align with ISO 9001:2015 requirements. By undergoing thorough audits and assessments, we have successfully demonstrated our ability to meet stringent quality standards, maintain effective communication channels, and continuously enhance our processes to drive customer success.

With the ISO 9001:2015 certification, our clients can have complete confidence in our ability to deliver outstanding results, on time and within budget. This achievement reinforces our promise to be a reliable and trusted partner, dedicated to their success.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valued clients for their trust and support. This certification is a reflection of the strong partnerships we have cultivated and will continue to nurture as we strive for excellence together.

As we embark on this new chapter, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of quality and innovation. Infomatics Corp is poised to raise the bar even higher, ensuring that our clients receive the highest standard of service and solutions in the industry.

For more information please visit: 

Infomatics Corp is proud to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious ISO 27001:2013 certification for our commitment to information security management.

ISO 27001:2013 is a globally recognized standard that outlines the best practices for information security management. The certification confirms that Infomatics Corp has implemented a comprehensive security management system, covering people, processes, and technology, to protect our customers' data and information.

Our team worked tirelessly to achieve this certification, and we view this accomplishment as a testament to our dedication to security and our customers' trust. We believe that security is not just a compliance requirement, but a critical part of our business culture and values.

Infomatics Corp recognizes that cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and we are committed to continually improving our information security management system to stay ahead of these threats. This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing our customers with the highest level of security and peace of mind.

We want to thank our team for their hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to ensuring that Infomatics Corp provides the best possible security for our customers. We are confident that this certification will further strengthen our position as a trusted partner for our clients and serve as a testament to our commitment to excellence.

For more information please visit:

After President Joe Biden’s inauguration, his administration quickly took actions that may delay some of his predecessor’s recent immigration changes from taking effect. This includes two January rule changes affecting wage costs and the relationship between H1B workers and secondary employers.

The administration issued a memorandum saying all agencies must consider a 60-day delay on all policies in the Federal Register that have yet to be implemented.

It also withdrew all policies that were submitted to the Federal Register but not yet published. The administration will review these policies for later approval.

This withdrawal includes a January 15, 2021 rule change under Donald Trump’s administration that required secondary employers to file Labor Condition Applications for H1B workers.

The change would have given end clients more responsibility when using the services of an H1B worker employed by another company.

As a result of this memorandum, the Department of Labor could issue a 60-day delay for the Department of Labor’s Interim Final Rule, which changes the prevailing wages for employees on H1B, H1B1, E3 nonimmigrant visas.

The rule would increase the wage costs for tech companies hiring nonimmigrant workers, possibly affecting the number of opportunities available for those workers.

The rule would not go into effect until March 21, 2020 if the Department of Labor implements the 60-day delay.

Infomatics employees are beginning the year 2021 with new insurance plans in their benefits package. Employees will find that these new plans from NationalGeneral provide significant savings for families compared to their previous benefits from Cigna.

“We have significantly reduced costs for family plans,” said Infomatics General Manager Muhammad Saleem, citing a 40 to 50 percent drop in premium prices. “There is no reduction in benefits, though there are savings in costs.”

As always, employees are supported by the dedicated benefits team at ADP. 

For any benefits-related questions, employees can contact the Employee Advocacy Center at or call (855) 322-1237.

Infomatics employees can also use the Allied online portal to manage their healthcare plans. Once employees receive their health insurance ID cards, they can visit to create an account. 

An online Allied account will allow employees to access their plan documents, check the status of their claims, view deductible and out-of-pocket status, compare providers and find in-network doctors and hospitals. 

While employees have NationalGeneral insurance plans, Allied administers those plans for Infomatics employees.

COVID 19 virus threats and tests! Our hearts are with those who lost loved ones to the virus. 

The pandemic hit us all with unprecedented sanitization rules, nationwide lockdowns, curfews, school and college shut downs for indefinite periods, virtual classrooms and business meetings, restricted travel, work from home culture, the economic fallout of COVID and challenges faced by the governments attempting to tackle the situation. 

Stealing moments for Celebration 

Inspite of all the chaos, we managed to push ahead with some of our goals:

INFOMATICS INDIA – Cascades Data Solutions got itself registered as doing business as Infomatics India. The new name will be CASCADES DATA SOLUTIONS DBA INFOMATICS INDIA PRIVATE LTD for all regulatory purposes. We can now link ourselves on all social media to Infomatics Corp USA. 

ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION – We got ourselves certified for both locations of Hyderabad and Mangalore. Luckily before the pandemic, in January a consultant from the certifying body had visited us and briefed us on the procedures and documentation needed for the processThe lockdown and consequent work-from-home period was utilized to focus on streamlining the processes needed for the certification. Thanks to Muhammed Saleem for driving the onshore and offshore teams for this accomplishment.

CREATION OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM –Meenaz Shariff, CEO of Infomatics India has taken the initiative of expanding the foray into Indian market. The first step was hiring of Business Development Manager, Neeha Alva. Neeha has been successful in getting our first client, IMPELYSIS, onboard! 

VIRTUSA INDIA - We have pursued our strong ties with VIRTUSA USA to sign a "premier partner" recruitment agreement with Virtusa India. We have a dedicated team which will cater to the bulk requirements they release. Candidates will be assigned both contract and full time placements with Virtusa as needed.

MEA Region- We are also targeting the Middle East region and are in talks with prospective clients. 


 We acknowledge the extra efforts of our developers, Sandeep and team, who, except for the severe lockdown period, have operated out of Mangalore office, braving Covid challenges.   

Our V-Form software product is almost near completion and testing is almost complete. Interns Thanush, Vinutha and Pooja are now permanent employees capable of taking up this difficult task. 

RECRUTMENT TEAM – All recruiters, Sharad, Dilan and Bhargavi have motivated themselves despite falling business conditions to keep the tempo of recruitment going strongly.

MARKETING - Gopi, Ratnakar and Ajay from marketing have persevered and delivered 

 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION- On this, Vinod, Narayan & Apoorva took up additional responsibilities for timely execution of finance related tasks like payroll, timesheets and Invoicing coordination 

CAMPUS RECRUITMENT DRIVES - This year, our campus recruitment drives were conducted through an online test, with only shortlisted candidates called for a in for an interview. We recruited at ST ALOYSIUS TECHNICAL COLLEGE and CANARA ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Mangalore. The selected interns will join in March 2021 as university exams are delayed this year. 

We wish the Infomatics family a happy and prosperous 2021!

To Merlin Johnson, a career in quality assurance is all about the pursuit of perfection. In over four years as an Infomatics employee, she has made us proud by relentlessy seeking perfection in all the projects she's worked on for her assigned client.

"Whatever work you are doing, there should be some perfection included in it," Johnson said. "It’s not just for big work, even small work should have perfection."

Ultimately, her goal is to deliver software that is fully functional and free from any bugs.

Johnson began her career with Infomatics as a quality assurance analyst, serving her client on-site. Since then, she has advanced to a QA lead position for her excellence and now manages testing on multiple client projects.

Excellence in leadership

Colleagues recognize Johnson for her strong leadership skills and promoting a balanced workload for her team. This is despite tight deadlines common with application development projects.

"I just make sure my team is going in the right direction," she said. "And, if my team needs any help in testing-related work, I'll pitch in myself to help get it done."

Johnson has found that the key to successful testing operations is for the QA team to pitch in during planning conversations. This is the only way to make sure the tester's experience can have a helpful impact in the final project requirements.

"We have to move forward and look at the requirements before finalizing for further development," she said.

Project teams will be able to plan a stable workload for QA teams and keep their efforts moving ahead smoothly, simply by joining the conversation.

Calm under pressure

Even with the best leadership and planning, deadlines are known to creep up. Johnson has found the key to getting past tight deadlines is to keep a calm head.

She emphasized that it's important to prioritize and test the most crucial aspects of an application first.

"If we test the core scenario, we can see if the application is working well or not," she said. "Do the sanity testing first then move on to secondary aspects of the application."

Since joining Infomatics Corp, Johnson has earned a promotion, multiple pay raises, and worked with the human resources department on compliance through multiple stages of her immigration journey.

"Infomatics has been very gracious," she said.

Johnson has a earned her bachelor's degree in information technology and has accumulated more than 4 years of experience in quality assurance.


We are proud to announce that Infomatics Corp has earned it's ISO 9001 certification. This initiative is part of our efforts to better serve our customers and engage with employees. Amidst difficulties of COVID-19 pandemic, Infomatics leadership prepared the proper documentation and obtained the certificate over a 4-month long period.

This certification applies for both our onshore and offshore branches.

As a result of the certification process, Infomatics can provide a higher standard of services to its clients and better engage with its employees.

"A lot of operations weren’t previously streamlined or as clear as they are now," said Muhammad Saleem, General Manager at Infomatics Corp. "Now employees in different departments have been trained appropriately. As a result, all the departments are more aware of their standard operating procedures."

These streamlined procedures applied to the sales, marketing, engineering, recruitment, human resources, accounting, contracts, and product departments.

The ISO 9001 designation certifies that we have implemented a quality management system throughout our organization. A QMS is a documented set of rules that that governs how a business provides goods and services to its customers. This certification also shows our commitment to maintaining the quality management system consistently as Infomatics grows.

"It’s not that once we get it we are done," said Meenaz Shariff, CEO of Infomatics India. "Every year we are being audited by that organization to see that we are in compliance."

Thanks to this certification, Infomatics Corp will be recognized as a business operating at a high standard to better serve its clients.

“It’s the measure by which other companies will see how we are operating," Shariff said. "All our processes are defined as part of this.”


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